This September 22-23 thirty-six parent educators, BCTR staff, and others who work with families and youth gathered for a two-day Parent Education In-Service, run by the BCTR’s Parenting In Context Initiative. Participants from 13 counties across New York State viewed presentations on topics such as adolescent anger, child feeding practices among low-income mothers of preschool children, poverty and child development, and using news and social media to promote county associations.
On September 23rd Bronfenbrenner Lecturer Richard Lerner met with the group for a one-hour Q&A session. Lerner is the Bergstrom Chair in Applied Developmental Science and the Director of the Institute for Applied Research in Youth Development at Tufts University. His work integrates the study of public policies and community-based programs with the promotion of positive youth development and youth contributions to civil society. In-Service participants then attended the Bronfenbrenner Lecture later that day.
A parent educator in attendance said, “It is reassuring to hear research that supports what I teach.”
Note: This story originally appeared on the BCTR website.Click here to access the story.