Food Hubs

Farm to Faith in NYC

Increasing Healthy Food Access through Food Hubs

Our Faith-Based Food Hubs Program helps organizations buy fresh products directly from farmers.MarketMaker is the online resource they use to connect with over 2000 New York State farmers.

“Through Food Hubs, faith-based organizations buy healthy delicious farm fresh produce at a reasonable price.”

Each Food Hub is a network of 6 to 8 churches. The “Hub” church collects food orders and negotiates pricing and delivery with the farmers. They organize volunteers every week to unload and distribute through the network.
Cornell University Cooperative Extension in NYC provides free instruction and support to the Hub churches, and assists Hub administrators in scheduling and managing deliveries.All participating churches receive free MarketMaker training and free nutrition education.
Currently over 30 faith-based Organizations across New York City participate in 7 Food Hubs. They purchase thousands of pounds of fresh produce from New York State farmers every week.
Want to know more about Faith-Based Food Hubs Program?

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